Public trust in Widyatama University (UTama) ?Bandung has increased from now a day. One of the prove is the presence of a new Study Program (Prodi), the S-1 International Trade Study Program (Program studi S-1 Perdagangan Internasional ).

Chairman of the Widyatama Foundation, Djoko S. Roespinoedji, SE, PG., DIP., Received directly the decree of the Minister of Education and Culture (Number 779 / M / 2020), from Prof. Dr. H. Uman Suherman, M. Pd., Head of the Higher Education Service Institute (LLDIKTI) Region IV, West Java and Banten, at the Widyatama Foundation Office, Jalan Cikutra No. 204-A.

“On this day I submitted the operational permit for the International Trade Study Program (Prodi? Perdagangan Internasional). Widyatama is the first university LLDIKTI Region IV West Java, Banten that launched this study program. This is also a pride for us,” said Prof. H. Uman after the letter submission activity, Friday (4/9/2020).

“I appreciate it (Widyatama Foundation), because the program is a stage to compete in the international world (trade). Of course, it is not only the introduction of the international language that must be mastered, but also needs to be packaged with competencies in order to be competitive in the international world (including world “class” parties / companies). “Which later they will use workers from Widyatama University or graduates who can take part in the international world,” he added.

At Widyatama University itself, there are now 21 study programs (including new study programs), 18 undergraduate, D- 4, D-3 levels plus three master & professional levels. The plan is that on September 21, 2020, the 2020-2021 academic year learning will begin. Meanwhile,

Djoko Roespinoedji said that Widyatama Foundation is certainly committed to the advancement of the world of education in Bandung in particular, Indonesia in general. Especially to educate and creating superior generations who can compete in the international world.

Djoko Also Said that The study program in Widyatama is as comprehensive as possible to support government programs in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. Disciplines must be mixed. That is one thing that we emphasize, wanting to add new study programs that can interact with existing study programs at Widyatama.